Wednesday, November 16, 2005


Thursday, November 17, 2005

Episode # 10190
Tape Date: 10/17/05
Air Date: 11/17/05
Director: Albert Alarr

Summary: Nicole finds a new office for Austin, Inc…Lucas puts the squeeze on Lulu…Jack spends a final evening with Jennifer…Alex fills in the blanks on his and Marlena’s history.

At the Deveraux Place…
Jack (all dressed in his tux) lights candles and has a quiet romantic evening planned for him and Jennifer. She comes in carrying a bag of groceries and is surprised. She goes to change in the dress he has picked out for her as he says to himself that this is their last evening together. He pulls out two bottles of pills that he plans to take as they go to bed. Later, Jennifer is there as Jack pours the wine and he toasts his cherishing every moment with her. He wants to discuss what she will do when he is gone. Of course she doesn’t want to talk about it, but Jack says they need to. He says after he is gone, he wants her to find someone else, he doesn’t want her to live her life alone. She says she loves HIM and can’t even imagine someone else. She just wants them to enjoy themselves and live in the moment, so he finally agrees. He asks her to dance and as they dance, he talks about all the great times they have had. Jennifer says she wants more…she isn’t ready to let him go. As the music plays, we see brief flashbacks…of their wedding, the Santa proposal (both his and hers)…them kissing…building snowmen…and others I didn’t recognize. Later, they are getting ready for bed as they sit on the bed and kiss by candle light. Later, they are cuddling in bed as Jennifer says she is so happy. Before she rolls over to sleep, she tells Jack not to forget to take his meds. He tells her not to worry as he reaches over to the nightstand, opens the drawer and looks at the 2 bottles of pills.

At Chez Rouge…Lucas is still fuming over Austin & Co. stealing his account. Sophie suggests he try to enjoy the evening. He spots Hans and Lulu there and Sophie tells him that there is something very familiar about her. She finally realizes that she has seen her in the tabloids, saying that she is a con artist and they are sure that the good doctor isn’t aware of her past. Lucas says that Sami used Lulu to get the Clear Visage account, so now he is going to use her to get it back. He has a plan and asks Sophie to keep Hans busy. They go over to their table and Hans tells him that he is wasting his time, he has made his decision. Lucas asks Lulu to dance as Sophie sits and talks with Hans. As they dance, Lucas talks about how familiar she is and she starts to get nervous. She tries to get away but Lucas tells her that he needs a favor from her as he calls her the “diamond divorcee”. He begins to rattle off all the names of her rich ex-husbands, calling her a con artist. She says that Hans knows about her past and doesn’t care (but Lucas isn’t buying it). He tells her to do as he says and he won’t tell. Lucas tells her he wants her to change Hans’ mind and sign with Titan or he will get a very thick package in the mail…about her. She says that is blackmail and Lucas smiles, saying that is EXACTLY what it is. She says he isn’t giving her much of a choice and agrees to do as he asks her. Lucas takes Lulu back to the table and as they leave, Sophie offers Hans some advice…and whispers just one word…”pre-nup” and they leave. Hans and Lulu sit back down and she suggests that they go back to the hotel…she suddenly isn’t hungry. She says they need to talk, but not here. Back at their table, Lucas tells Sophie he is sure he will get the account now…sure Austin will be pissed…and they won’t even know what hit them.

Meanwhile at Austin, Inc…Austin has Sami blindfolded and is leading her to show her their new office space. Nicole arrives as well, much to Sami’s dismay. They go in (Sami still blindfolded) to a place (which looks a LOT like Belle’s loft) and remove Sami’s blindfolded. She is extremely upset and says NO WAY she is working there. It turns out that it is Brandon’s apartment that he wants to sublet (Nicole arranged it all). Sami tries to convince Austin that it will not work, but Nicole is working just as hard to convince him it will. She says it is great…the location, lots of room, it has a bedroom…Austin could even live there…it is perfect. Sami accuses her of just wanting to move in with him (since she has no where to live), but Nicole denies that, saying now they can all have their own places. She says that Sami should be happy to get her place back, maybe now Will would want to move back with her and they begin to argue as Austin walks up asking if there is a problem. They say no, they are just deciding about the place. Austin says that they both have good points. Sami says they shouldn’t over extend themselves, but it IS a great place. He finally decides with Nicole and decides they should get it.

At the Penthouse…Marlena asks Alex what John means by calling him a fraud. He says that John is just trying to discredit him. John says in all the paperwork he found no documents about their divorce and is sure that Alex fabricated all the others. Marlena asks Alex if they were so in love and never divorced…then why aren’t they still together. Alex says there is a good reason for that…he died. John uses the computer to do a search on him and says there is no record of his death either. Alex comes over and goes to a secure website and tells John to type in the code “GMD9672”. He tells them that he was recruited by the government as an undercover agent. John types in the code and a document comes up about Alex missing and presumed dead. They all want an explanation. Alex says it is time he told Marlena everything. He tells them that shortly after they were married he was recruited by special ops. He didn’t want to, but saw it as his patriotic duty and his expertise was needed. Later he was shot down over enemy territory and was held hostage and presumed dead. He says years later, he learned that she took the news very hard…and that is when she had her first bout of hysterical amnesia and that is why she doesn’t remember. Both John and Kate (why is she even there?) are very skeptical but Alex swears it is true. He explains that when he was rescued he wanted to find her but was told that she had moved on (as he pulls out an old newspaper article about her joining Salem University Hospital). He says when he finally tracked her down she was married to Roman and they had children (Hmmm…what about Don Craig?) He says she was happy and he couldn’t interfere so he walked away…and has been haunted by it ever since. John says it is all “BS” and wants details so he can check it all out. Alex says he will tell everything to Marlena…IF she wants it. John demands the info, saying she is HIS wife. Marlena says “no, I’m not” She says if she and Alex never divorced, then she was never legally married to either him or Roman. She says if this is real, then she is married to Alex. She turns to Alex and says “Alex, I am your wife”. Alex smiles and the camera freezes on Marlena…as the previews show…

Belle (to Philip): You deserve so much more…you deserve so much better…(as they hug)…

Shawn (who is in the shower), to Mimi: Come in with me…Mimi: I don’t know…(as we then see them hugging)…

Alex (to Marlena): Give me the chance to prove to you that I am the only man you have ever really loved…

Jack (clinging to Billie as she cries): Tell Jennifer I…tell her I love her (as he collapses to the floor)…Billie: JACK!!!

And the credits roll…

Aside from Linda...
Hmmm...wonder how they'll explain RoJohn and "Alex" together back in 1991 when RoJohn was with Isabella, Marlena had just awoken from a "coma", and was found to be still alive, and then we found out that the real Roman was still alive and in Mexico, too. So RoJohn is not really Roman, he's John Black (he still didn't know that). Some how they all meet up in Mexico. Thanks to MikeR (old EE fans will remember him from his Spoiler Companion) for this DOOL flashback :-)

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