Wednesday, July 19, 2006


Thursday, July 20, 2006

Episode # 10360, Tape Date: 6/20/06; Air Date: 7/20/06; Director: Herb Stein

Summary: EJ continues to try and convince Sami to come clean…Austin and Carrie talk about their feelings…Belle becomes increasingly concerned about Philip’s whereabouts…and rightfully so, as he crashes Max’s car…Chelsea works to keep Max and Stephanie apart.

At Carrie & Lucas’s…Carrie tells Austin that she heard what he said at the hospital. He admits to it, saying he can’t face a future without her in it. He also tells her that it is true that he loves her and always will. Carrie asks what they should do about it and he says nothing…she wasn’t meant to hear what he said. He talks about her being married to Lucas and that he is not going to try and come between them. He says he was speaking from the heart because he was grateful that she was okay. But Carrie is having a hard time dealing with his confession. He says yes, he dreamed of a life with her, but she chose Lucas, even though he will never understand that. They talk about how Austin forgave her for being unfaithful to him when they were married. They talk about everything that Sami did to her and how Austin stood by Sami. He says it was his fault that she turned to Mike. Carrie says that she acted spoiled herself and that Austin deserved better. Carrie says that she loves Sami as well and understands how Austin loves her. Austin says it is too late for them now…she is married to Lucas and going to have his baby. But, she asks, if he still loves her…how can he marry Sami. He says he wishes her happiness…for her marriage and she says that she wishes him the same. Both near tears, he goes to leave. He tells her yes, he does love Sami…it’s just different than with Carrie.

At Sami’s…EJ is still there convincing her to come clean (as the hand stalks). He urges her to tell Austin the truth, but she is afraid she will lose him if she does. She flips back and forth about it. She says she is willing to stay quiet and take the chance that things will work out in her favor. She says that EJ has been a friend to her, something she isn’t used to having…and promises to be there for him when he needs help. He says maybe they should try to figure out who is doing this to her. She immediately thinks of Tony…but, she says, he is in prison. Then there is Alex, but he is dead. She says there is Kate, but Sami is convinced that Kate doesn’t know what is going on. He asks who else knows. She says that Lexie and Tek know (as well as Abe). But Lexie had her chance to tell, but didn’t…she is stumped about who could know all this info. She says she CAN’T tell Austin the truth…she has done some terrible things. As she cries, EJ tells her that she can’t change the past…but she can take control of her future. She says that when Austin learns the truth about what she did, he will turn his back on her. EJ flatters her and tells her that he wouldn’t hesitate for a second to have the chance to be with her. He tells her that if she comes clean, her true love will understand and forgive her…and that if they are meant to be together, it will all work out. Then he says maybe Austin ISN’T her true love, making Sami uncomfortable. She tells him that Austin and Carrie were married once and she was with Lucas…but he gave up on her. EJ asks if she “settled” for Austin. She thinks about it and considers if Austin is “settling” for her as well. She is sure of it, saying that Carrie is always everyone’s first choice (as the hand lurks). He urges her to tell the truth, Austin, Carrie and Lucas all care about her and will forgive her. But she says if she tells, they will never forgive her…they will hate her and she will end up alone and miserable. He assures her she will never be alone. She thinks no one will want anything to do with her and she will have to move away. He starts on the notes again and tells her she must tell the truth and stop stalling. As he leaves, she hugs him and thanks him for his help. Austin comes back and tells her that he was over at Lucas & Carrie’s. She hugs him and tells him that she needs to tell him something.

At the Pub…Chelsea and Max meet for breakfast. She tells him she had a good time last night…and ALMOST had a great time. (LOL). She asks him if he thinks she is a tramp (thinking she carried condoms in her purse). He apologizes for not being prepared. Chelsea sees Stephanie outside and leans in and kisses him and Stephanie leaves. He asks her if she meant what she said about being exclusive and she lies and says yes. Then he lectures her about drinking and such. He goes to the restroom as Stephanie calls (see below) and Chelsea turns off his phone. Max comes back, and as they go to leave, some envelopes from the court fall out of her purse (she hasn’t even opened them). They are about her community service and she has been ignoring them. He lectures her, and opens one of them, telling her she could be in huge trouble. He tells her that if she doesn’t show up for her community service, she could be held in contempt of court and wind up in jail. She promises that she will take care of it and smooches on him.

At the race track…Philip had been racing Max’s car, going faster and faster. He reaches up to wipe sweat from his eyes and crashes. Stephanie arrives at the track and finds the crashed car with Philip inside. She calls 911 and then crawls over, trying to talk to him, telling him that help is on the way. They arrive as she fills them in. They try to get him out of the car as he calls out for Belle. Stephanie tries to call Max (since it is his car) but Chelsea cuts her off.

At the hospital…Belle is with Shawn and Mimi. She is feeling guilty about her fight with Philip. She goes to make some calls when Mimi comes in and gives Shawn an update on the surrogate. They also talk about Patrick being the father of Hope’s baby and Shawn says he is okay with it…even though he knows his mom still loves his dad…she always will. Mimi says she understands…because Shawn and Belle loved each other too. Belle walks up, telling them that Philip was so angry and stormed off and she doesn’t know where he went and is worried about him. She tells them about their fight and Mimi accuses Belle of being happy about the mix-up. Shawn wants to talk to Mimi alone as Belle goes to make some more calls…she has a bad feeling. Later, they all arrive back at the loft, Belle very upset that she can’t find Philip. Shawn gets a call from Stephanie, who is trying to locate Belle. He hands her the phone and learns what has happened and starts freaking out, telling Shawn and Mimi that Philip has been in an accident.

Back at the race track…Belle, Shawn and Mimi arrive as Belle is hysterical. Stephanie holds her back, telling her there is a lot of fuel on the track and it could blow. Stephanie tells them she is going to find Max, since it is his car. Belle thinks that Philip did this on purpose because he was so upset. She wants to go over near him, but Shawn stops her, telling her not to put the baby at risk (as Mimi observes all this). Stephanie rushes into the pub and tells Max that she has been trying to reach him and he notices that his phone was turned off. He asks Chelsea about it, but before she can answer, Stephanie tells him about the accident and they all rush out. Belle is freaking out as Shawn tries to calm her down, telling her that he has lost a brother and he doesn’t want to lose her or the baby…then he blurts out that he loves her. Mimi is standing nearby and hears this. Then Belle looks at Philip, whose eyes are open…he heard it as well. Freeze frame on Belle…as the previews show…

Belle (to Shawn): the fact that you and I are having a baby together completely freaked him out…

Sami (to EJ): I think that tonight is going to be my last dinner with him…forever…

Carrie (to Lucas): Lexie wants us to come to her office right away…my test results are back…

Stephanie (to Max): She might be afraid that we’re not…just working…

Chelsea (to Abby): When I’m done with Max, he’s not even going to remember her name…

And the credits roll…

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