Friday, August 04, 2006


Monday, August 7, 2006

Episode # 10372, Tape Date: 7/12/06; Air Date: 8/7/06; Director: Roger Inman

Summary: Mimi confronts Belle about her feelings…Bonnie and Kate think that maybe the mix up was on purpose…Kayla and Steve can’t get each other off their minds…Sami decides she isn’t going to tell Austin the truth about the notes.

At the Loft…Bonnie is dancing and drinking when Kate comes pounding on the door. Bonnie had called her telling her it was an emergency. She fills Kate in on the state of their kids’ marriages. She tells her that Belle is having Shawn’s baby and as Bonnie continues with the sordid tale, Kate doesn’t believe her. Bonnie tells her it gets better. Kate (who has been out of town) can’t believe that Philip hasn’t told her any of this…then learns that Philip was injured in an accident. After hearing all that Bonnie has to say, Kate decides she needs another drink. Bonnie continues on to tell her about how she and Mimi found Belle’s diary and what it said. Kate says they have to stop Belle…this is war. She says they have to keep Belle and Shawn apart, but Bonnie thinks that won’t be easy. Kate says they have to work together, they have the same goal…to see their children happy. Philip comes in asking what is going on. Bonnie tries to leave but Philip demands to know what is wrong. They tell him about Belle being in the hospital as he freaks out and leaves. After he is gone, they congratulate each other, pleased at how it turned out. They talk as Kate tries to figure out how all the scrambled eggs mess happened. She talks about how it happened to her and considers the odds of it happening to her son. She has a light bulb moment and thinks that maybe it was done intentionally…in an effort to wreak havoc in their children’s lives.

At the Hopsital…Mimi tells Shawn and Belle that she saw them kissing and demands that they be honest with her. She brings up the diary as Belle can’t believe that she read it. But Mimi blasts her and blurts out what she read. Shawn tries to get her to shut up, but she yells at HIM to shut up. She says she SAW them kissing and wants Belle to just admit that she still loves Shawn. She demands that Belle tell her the truth and finally Belle admits it…yes, she still loves Shawn…she always has and probably always will. Mimi is shocked to finally hear her admit it and reminds Belle of her wedding vows…how she vowed to “forsake all others and cleave to Philip”. She says when she walked in, there looks as if there was some heavy cleaving going on with Shawn (LOL). Belle tries to explain that when she wrote those things in her diary, she was on heavy doses of hormones and tries to blame it on that. But Mimi isn’t buying it…she demands to know why they were kissing when she walked in. Belle says she was scared that she was losing the baby and that she kissed Shawn out of relief to learn she wasn’t. Shawn backs her up, saying that the kiss was not out of love. He tells Mimi that SHE is the one he loves and that it is nothing she should worry about. AS he is professing his love to Mimi, it shows Belle with tears rolling down her cheeks. Philip comes barging in wanting to know what is going on.

In Cincinnati…Steve and Della are still at the bar and she tells him to go home, but he wants to know WHERE home is. She tells him that his home is here with her. But he doesn’t seem too happy about it. He says he misses Kayla already. He goes over to the jukebox and plays a love song (If Your Heart Comes Out Tonight is the song...Stephen mentioned this song coming up in his SOAPNet interview). Della thinks the song is crap). She says that he would NEVER like a song like that, but he says it is like he knows that song. She thinks he is remembering his past and walks away. He stops her and calls her “Kayla”. She asks if she has lost him…is he Nick or Steve?

At the Brady Pub…Kayla sits at the bar alone eating Ma’s famous chocolate cake when she is joined by Stephanie who can’t sleep either. They eat cake and talk about losing at love. Kayla says she has feelings for someone who doesn’t know how she feels and her mom is in love with someone who doesn’t even remember her. Stephanie turns on the radio and stops on a song (the same one Steve is playing) as Kayla says it used to be his favorite. Kayla turns off the radio and tells Stephanie she is sorry that she got cheated out of a life with her father. Stephanie says at least she got to meet him. Kayla tells her that maybe she needs to move on, but it has made it even harder since she saw him. Kayla pushes Stephanie to tell her who the guy she is sweet on, but she won’t say. Kayla says maybe then he isn’t “the one” but Stephanie thinks different. Kayla tells her that whatever happens, they will both be happy someday. They hug and Stephanie heads back upstairs to bed. Kayla goes back to the radio and turns it on. As she listens to the song, she looks over and sees Steve at the door looking in. She lets him in asking why he is there. He tells her that he doesn’t remember their life together, but she got to him…and he realized that he couldn’t let her get away. He begs her for a chance as she pulls him in and they kiss. From the stairway...Stephanie sees them and smiles.

At Sami’s…Lucas and Sami ask Austin and Carrie where they have been…just as EJ walks up. Austin has a bag of danish and Carrie says she was out on the fire escape for air. Sami passes out the Danish as Lucas gets coffee and they all enjoy. But Austin and Carrie can’t keep their eyes off each other. They have idle chit chat about EJ’s life in Paris and Sami says maybe he can give her some ideas about where she and Austin can go on their honeymoon. After they finish, Austin pulls EJ aside and thanks him for not telling on them. EJ says he has a reason for keeping his mouth shut (Hmmmm). Sami tells Carrie she is so sorry about losing the baby. Carrie talks about what a great mother Sami is and Sami reminds her that she is now a step-mother to Will. But it isn’t the same…Carrie says Will is almost grown and she wanted children of her own. They hug as Lucas thanks Sami for her support. Austin worries about breaking Sami’s heart. He tells EJ that Sami has turned her life around and EJ says that Sami did it all for Austin. Lucas gets a phone call as Austin tells Carrie that they need to talk. She tells Austin that can never happen again and goes over and hugs Lucas. Sami tells EJ that Lucas and Carrie are so happy and she can’t tell everyone the truth now and ruin their happiness. She is sure that everything is going to work out for everyone and flashes her ring at him. He asks her about the person sending the letters but she is sure that she has everything under control. As Sami goes over and hugs Austin, EJ looks at the four of them and just shakes his head…and the previews show…

Bo (to Steve): I am a little worried about you getting your memory back…you just might want to kill me…

Sami (to EJ): I am not going to lose Austin…I don’t care what it takes or what I have to do…

Austin (to Carrie): You’ve got no business being with my brother…you don’t love him…

Mimi (to Belle): One thing you will never have for the rest of your life…is my husband…

Philip (to Shawn): You and Belle will have the baby you have always dreamed of…and I think that somebody did that on purpose…

And the credits roll…

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