Friday, January 05, 2007


Monday January 8, 2007

Episode #: 10479
Tape Date: 12/5/06
Air Date: 01/08/07
Director: Albert Alarr

Summary: Bonnie and Mimi pick up Connor at the cop shop…Kate is sick of hearing about Sami the HERO…Billie finds a new place to live…The Bradys rally around Shawn and Belle as Victor pays a visit to the pub…Chelsea pressures Nick to help her…Bo and Steve pay a visit to the Child Protective Services office.

At the Hospital…
Kate and Sami are with Lucas as he reads the article in the paper about Sami saving him. Billie arrives calling Sami a hero as well, but Kate is clearly annoyed by all the attention Sami is getting. Billie tells them about Bonnie kicking her out and how she has to look for another place to live. Kate offers to let them stay with her but Billie tries to be tactful in telling her no. Sami chimes in, saying that Billie would rather live in a cardboard box in the park. Billie tells them of Caroline’s offer to let Chelsea stay at the pub. Kate slams the pub, offending Sami. Billie tells Kate thanks, but no thanks…she wants to take care of herself. Sami has an idea and reminds Lucas that his apartment is empty and asks if Billie would be interested…which she definitely is. Everyone thinks it is a good idea…except for Kate, who tells Sami to butt out. Billie isn’t sure she can afford the rent, but Lucas offers to help her out. Billie asks if they are sure about having her as a neighbor and they say yes and encourage her. A huffy Kate tells Billie it’s her decision. She thanks Kate for her offer and then says yes, and rushes off to pack her things up…as Kate turns to Sami and asks if she is happy now? A photographer shows up from the Spectator to take pictures of Sami for another article. Kate asks if there is NO OTHER news to report…they are beating a dead horse here. Sami poses with Lucas as Kate has seen enough and storms off. Later, Sami and Lucas are goofing around (playing nerf basketball) and he almost falls out of the bed. They end up kissing as he calls her his hero. Kate opens the door and sees this and gets a look on her face like she just smelled cauliflower cooking.

At the Cop Shop…

Bonnie and Mimi are there to get Connor. They bring him in as he asks Bonnie for “sugar” and she pops him upside the head. Bonnie tells him is in big trouble and Mimi is going to have to pay the fines. Bonnie starts on him to take his GED and get his high school diploma but he tells her that he is a natural with horses and wants to join the rodeo (LOL as he calls Bonnie “Mama Drama”). Connor says he is like his dad…a working man. Mimi says speaking of dad…where is my Christmas gift? Connor hands her a card and Bonnie get uneasy as she reads it. Mimi goes to pay the fines so they can get out of there. (Connor’s name for Mimi is “moo moo”…and she hates it). As she leaves, Bonnie pops him upside the head again and he asks what did he do now. She reminds him that she brought him home to help protect the family and doesn’t want Mimi to find out the truth. She walks up asking truth about what? She questions them and he claims that Bonnie is just upset that he failed his GED. Mimi promises to help him study and they all head home.

In Chelsea’s room…
Stephanie is with her as she goes on and on about her dream guy…Dr. Shane Patton. Stephanie shames her for the way she is treating Nick and tries to reason with her, saying that the guy may not even be who he claims. But Chelsea says when it comes to guys, she knows what she is doing, so Stephanie should just keep her mouth shut. Stephanie asks why she is so insulting to everyone and they get into a discussion about Max dumping both of them. Chelsea doesn’t want Stephanie’s advice so she decides she has had enough abuse and is going to leave. But Chelsea says she doesn’t care, because she knows she is already under The doctor’s skin…Stephanie chimes in “yea, like ringworm” and leaves. Chelsea rushes to her computer and starts typing up an email to the doctor.

At the Garage…
Abby rags on Nick for not telling Chelsea the truth about Lonely Splicer and he tells her he got “distracted” and she calls him chicken. He explains that he told her he found out the doctor’s real name. Abby warns him that Chelsea will find out the truth as he has a flashback of his romp with Billie and gathering his clothes. Abby realizes there is something he isn’t telling her but he keeps avoiding her questions. She asks where his belt is and he tells her not to worry about it and she says he is acting like he is 12. She offers to help him tell Chelsea and he freaks out, saying he will tell her himself and besides, Abby is the same way when it comes to Max. They argue about it as Abby tells him that he will eventually have to tell Chelsea the truth…he can’t stay a virgin forever. He tells her to just drop it. Chelsea shows up calling for Abby as he slams the door shut and tries to hide. Chelsea comes in, telling him not to be such a jerk and pressuring him to tell her more about the doctor…his address…where he works. She keeps pressuring him (calling him “Nicky”) until he snaps and tells her to just stop it…he is tired of being her lapdog and he is not letting her walk all over him anymore. This of course stuns her.

At the Pub…

Bo and Hope are there with the baby as Caroline coos over it. Shawn, Belle, Kayla and Steve arrive as an angry Shawn tells them that Claire is gone and Belle cries that they took her baby and she may never see her again. Kayla explains what happened as Bo and Hope are stunned. They explain that Victor is suing them for custody. Bo tells Shawn to stay with Belle and asks Steve to go with him, as Belle continues to fret and cry. Hope and Kayla try to assure Belle that everything will work out okay as Shawn tells her that they will get her back and for her to believe in that. Caroline comes in with the baby (I think she supposedly went to show her to popShawn) as Belle asks if she can hold her. Of course she starts crying about Claire again, telling little no-name-Brady she is safe. Victor comes into the pub as Belle has to hold Shawn back. Caroline yells at him but he says he is there to make peace and compromise. Belle says that Philip has no rights to Claire…he walked out on them. But Victor tells them he would hat to see them lose what access they have now and warns them not to fight her on this. Shawn points out that HE is the father, not Philip and talks about how he and Belle are trying to rebuild their lives and provide a good family for her. Victor reminds him that while Philip was away defending his country, Shawn was shacked up with a prostitute…was working for a criminal…and drove his car through his house…NOT the idea of a stable young man. Belle jumps in saying that every mistake Shawn made was directly because of Victor. Victor says that Claire is HIS family as well but Belle says he doesn’t deserve a family. Kayla suggests that they hear what Victor has to say about his proposal, so Belle tells him to say what he came to say and then get out. He tells them that Philip will settle this if they are willing to sign full parenting rights over to him. Of course she will live with Philip and Victor and they can have visitation rights. Shawn storms over to the door and tells him to shove his offer and get the hell out. Caroline, Kayla and Hope are all stunned as Caroline begs him NOT to do this to her family. She tells Victor she stands by Shawn and this is her property, her pub and for him to get the HELL out f there. After he leaves, Belle mumbles that he doesn’t deserve to live. A guy shows up looking for Belle and Shawn and hands them subpoenas. Belle goes to pieces as Shawn bangs a nearby table.

At the Child Protection Services Office…
Bo and Steve arrive to see Beverly, saying she has made a mistake. She explains that they have received reports that Claire’s living environment wasn’t acceptable. Bo tells her he knows that Victor Kiriakis is behind all this and that he is just playing her. She tells them that the court made the decision and that Claire’s parents will have to appear and plead their case. There are foster parents coming to pick her up but Steve and Bo say that is ridiculous as he says he and Hope can keep her until this is resolved. She says no, she would not be protected from her parents if that were the case. Bo says that she needs protection from Victor and accuses her of being on the take. Steve pulls an angry Bo away and takes a turn. He begs her to let Claire stay with family instead of strangers as he explains that Bo is a cop and he knows all about rules. She has heard enough and tells them to get out or she will have them removed. Bo begs to just see Claire for 2 minutes and they will leave. As Steve sits down, a light is shining in his eyes as he begins to have another episode. He has visions of lights being shone in his eyes with a man demanding for him to “say it…you know what you have to do…say it”. Steve is yelling NO. Beverly tells Bo she is through talking…he cannot go anywhere near Clair…not before the hearing. Steve, completely freaks out and rushes over beating on her desk, frightening her as she jumps back against the wall. He is yelling that she let the man see his grand daughter NOW! Bo tries to restrain him…and the previews show…

Shawn: All I am hearing is how Victor has everything and we have nothing…Well you tell us what we have to do counselor…tells us what Belle and I have to do to get our daughter back…

Billie (to Chelsea): You haven’t even asked me what the surprise is yet…don’t you want to know?’s a good one…Chelsea hugs her and says “Oh thank you SO much”…

Abby (to Nick): Oh My Gosh…it’s true! had sex with Chelsea’s mom…

And the credits roll…

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