Thursday, February 22, 2007


Friday, February 24, 2007

Episode #: 10513
Tape Date: 1/29/07
Air Date: 02/23/07 (The marker said 2/26…but that is Monday). Director: Herb Stein

Summary: Nick tries to come to Chelsea’s rescue, but she doesn’t want his help, and finds herself in over her head…Marlena tries to convince Kayla to call the police…as Steve follows orders at the hospital…The captain tries to convince Philip that Shawn, Belle and Claire are missing and probably dead…but unbeknownst to Philip, they wash up on an island.

At Chez Rouge…
Chelsea is on her date with Dr. Reibert. She tries to talk about calculus but he has other things on his mind and goes on and on about wine, coming on strong. She looks over and sees Nick loitering in the bar area (and to make him jealous) plays along with Reibert and yucks it up. Maggie finds Nick crying (but he claims it’s his allergies). He comes clean with Maggie and tells her that he feels that Reibert is up to something and he is worried about Chelsea. Maggie reminds him that Chelsea does not want him around and seems to be getting annoyed…and when Chelsea gets annoyed, it isn’t pretty. But Nick doesn’t care and insists that she is making a huge mistake. Maggie asks what is he going to do…rush over and save her? She reminds him that Chelsea isn’t all sugar and spice…she’s more like beef jerky (LOL). Nick says she isn’t as tough as everyone thinks, but Maggie thinks that Chelsea has it all under control, but Nick refuses to leave. Reibert rambles on about his love life, etc. then starts making fun of Nick, suggesting they take up a collection at work to buy him a life. Reibert asks how long he has had a crush on her and she says it seems like forever. They talk about others at work (this guy is so sickening) and he talks about past loves and stuff (sorry, I just tuned him out). Nick orders a beer and then points out to Maggie that Reibert is giving Chelsea wine…AND she is underage. Well, that gets Maggie’s attention as she storms over there and takes it away from Chelsea. Reibert asks just WHO she thinks she is and she informs him that she is the owner and the wife of lawyer Mickey Horton…AND that Chelsea is underage. Reibert tells Chelsea they can go back to his place and he can fix them a steak. Maggie tells him that most kids her age prefer Happy Meals (ROFLMAO…Go Maggie). She goes back over to the bar as she and Nick high-five each other. As a PO’d Reibert goes for the car, Chelsea walks over and calls Nick an immature loser and a spiteful jerk. She also calls him a stalker and rants at both of them. Maggie warns her to calm down. Nick and Chelsea argue and she tells him that actually likes Reibert because he is NOT Nick. Nick claims he didn’t follow her because he was jealous, but he is only trying to protect her, but she says she doesn’t want or need his help. Reibert returns for her and she goes on ahead…as Reibert makes his intentions for her clear to Nick. Nick goes after him and he punches Nick in the gut, doubling him over. Maggie also realizes that Reibert skipped out on his check and threatens to call Mickey when she sees he hurt Nick. But Nick tells her to let it go…Chelsea doesn’t want him. Maggie urges him to fight for her, so with renewed spirit, Nick slams down his drink and heads out. In the car, Chelsea asks Reibert to take her home, but he says no. She tells him that she isn’t hungry any more, but he says he is, as he reaches over and grabs her leg.

On the Ship…
Philip is frantic searching for Claire, but Stratton tells him they are not on the ship anymore. There is a missing life raft and they fear they are gone. Philip warns him if they don’t find his daughter, he will use all available resources to bring down the entire cruise line. After Stratton leaves, Willow comes and asks if there is any news. He is furious with her and blames her for this happening, for looking the other way. They argue and he goes to toss her aside, but she catches him with her knee in the family jewels, warning him that if he wants to play rough…so can she, calling him rude and insulting. After he calms down, she tells him that they can work together…it’s his choice. But he says he doesn’t need a street walker as a partner. She reminds him that he promised to help her and the baby, but he tells her she and Shawn’s baby can both rot in the gutter for all he cares. Stratton comes back and tells them they found the life raft, but it was ripped in half…probably by sharks. Philip demands that they search the entire area, but Stratton says no. Philip is sure that she is alive and he will find her. Later, Philip is up on deck with binoculars as Willow comes to apologize for helping Shawn and Belle but he rants at her, telling her to get out of his face. Stratton returns, this time with the captain, and they tell Philip that the search has been called off and that rescue is no longer viable. Philip refuses to believe that she may be dead…he KNOWS that Claire is alive. The captain tells him they recovered the raft and that there was blood on it. They are going to have it tested to see if it was Claire’s. After they leave, Willow tells him if he wants to make Shawn pay…she will help. Philip doesn’t want her help, but she tells him she owes him and she always repays her debts.

Belle and Shawn…
Wash up on the shore of an island. Belle, who is hysterical, is trying to wake him up. As he comes to, he asks where Claire is and she is crying that she lost her in the riptide. They rush around frantically looking for her as Belle sobs uncontrollably and Shawn assures her they will find her. Shawn is in the jungle and she hears him calling that he found her and comes out with a wet Claire. He says he found her sitting in the sand and seems to be fine. She is crying so Shawn digs through the bag for food and Belle notices that she is bleeding. Shawn thinks she may have gotten cut on his knife. They bandage it up but Belle notices that she is cold. Claire cries as Shawn works building a fire and they pray that they can survive. (Claire may have gotten cut, but on the upside...looks like she lost the damned headband!)

Outside Kayla’s Place…
Marlena is on the phone talking to someone about whether they have heard from Belle or Shawn (probably Hope). She goes inside as Kayla explains about Steve’s latest episode and trying to choke her. Marlena is shocked and Kayla asks her for help to find him, but Marlena says no and suggests she call Roman. But Kayla refuses to betray Steve and that she is going to find him herself. She says she can undo whatever EJ has done, but Marlena says it is too dangerous. Kayla reminds her that she and Marlena aren’t that different…she knows she can reach Steve but Marlena says she can’t let her go after him and tries to talk her out of it. Meanwhile we see Steve in the hospital elevator as he hears EJ’s words to go and bring John Black to him. He heads toward John’s room and sees him lying in his bed and then rushes back out the door. He continues to hear EJ’s words as he tries to fight it and goes to a supply closet…as we hear Marlena’s voice-over, telling Kayla that Steve belongs to the DiMeras now…sometimes he knows what he is doing…but most of the time he is under their control and will do whatever they want him to. We then see him don a set of surgeon’s scrubs. Kayla tells Marlena she must stop him, but Marlena says wherever he is, he has one mission…to follow orders. Kayla cries that she can’t lose him again, but Marlena warns her she can’t save him either.

Kayla insists she can do this but Marlena begs her to call Roman…”John said…” but stops. Kayla demands to know what John said. Finally she tells her about the dream she had where John tried to tell her something about Steve being programmed and dangerous. She tells Kayla it was more than a dream and she believes it. She tells Kayla she can’t think of him as Steve Johnson anymore…he is gone. She says he is now a man who tried to kill her…but it is Steve who will be blamed if anyone is hurt. Steve stands over John’s bed now and removes his tubes and monitors. Kayla refuses to call the cops, saying that they will arrest him, but Marlena warns her that he may kill someone…they can’t wait until there is a victim. Marlena reminds her that she herself has been controlled and tortured by the DiMeras and tries to assure Kayla that this is NOT a betrayal on her part. Steve loads John onto a gurney and covers him up then trips the fire alarm. Kayla beats herself up and only wishes there was another way. Steve then wheels John’s gurney out into the lobby as he hears the banging and has flashbacks of being tortured with EJ telling him he is one of them now. The nurses go to John’s room and discover that he is missing. Marlena assures Kayla that Steve is in there somewhere and he needs help. She gets a call from the hospital, learning that John is missing and rushes off, with Kayla right on her heels. Meanwhile, we see Steve now in the elevator with John…as the previews show…

Nick (yelling at Reibert, who is lying on the ground): Get out of here!...(Reibert): What the hell…? (Nick): You can never touch her…NEVER (as Chelsea watches)…

Bo (to EJ): What did you do with Steve?...

Kayla (to Steve): We’ve gotta call the police…(Steve): No…No…no police…if you call them, people will die…John will die…

Shawn (to Claire and Belle): We’re going to take care of you…(Belle): We’re going to take care of each other…

And the credits roll…

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