Friday, March 02, 2007


Monday, March 5, 2007

Episode #: 10519
Tape Date: 2/5/07
Air Date: 3/5/07
Director: Albert Alarr

Summary: Abby learns about Mimi leaving town…Willow offers information to Philip, for a price…Shawn and Belle worry as Claire takes a turn for the worse…Lucas tells Kate off…Sami goes fishing for information.

At Willow’s…
Philip comes over to see her, saying she had better not be lying. She tells him about Hope’s visit and how they had it out and how she has reason to believe that Shawn is alive. But Philip is skeptical, but she says she can read people and Hope was acting like they had some proof. She thinks that the Bradys are hiding something. She offers to help, in return for a place to live…one room in the mansion, promising he will never even see her. He doesn’t want to go along and says it’s all her fault anyway that Shawn and Belle got away and says she had better not be playing him. She begs him for a second chance. Finally, he says for her to get what she can out of Hope about Shawn and Belle…and if that information pays off, she will be rewarded…and until then, she is to leave him alone.

At the Garage…
Abby is there working when Max comes in, she asking where he has been. He says he will tell her but she can tell no one and goes on to tell her the story about how it was Mimi that killed her dad and Bonnie is covering for her and Mimi has left town. (I think he says he just got back from taking her to Arizona). He says now he feels bad about complaining about Mimi earlier. She takes his hand and thanks him for confiding in her. He almost kisses her but she ducks out of the way and changes the subject. She asks him if he was in love with Mimi and Max says this isn’t about him and he doesn’t want to talk about it. She says if she can do anything, let her know. Jed comes stumbling in (drunk) calling for Abby, saying he has been looking for her. He tells her he needs to talk to someone about what happened with his sister and blames himself for her being a hooker…saying she was doing it for him. They ask what can he do about it and he says he is going to drop out of school…may even jump off a bridge. Abby tells him not to do anything stupid. He tells her he is sorry about how their date ended…without a kiss and as he goes to kiss her, falls. Later, they are giving him coffee and he is sobering up. Max goes to work on a car as Jed asks her if it is Max…is he the one she is in love with? Abby asks if it is that obvious. She tells him that Max’s girl left town and Jed asks where does them leave him and Abby. She thinks they should just be friends and offers to drive him home. As she goes to get the car, Jed tells Max that he is lucky to have a girl like Abby fall in love with him.

At the Cop Shop…
Sami visits Roman asking if he is ready to walk her down the aisle. They talk about EJ shooting John as Sami asks if they have any leads. Roman asks her what she is up to and why is she there. She is offended but Roman tells her that EJ is none of her concern. But she says Lucas works for him…he lives down the hall…and is in her face all the time. She doesn’t feel safe with him around. Roman says he is trying to put EJ behind bars and Sami wants details…for reassurance. He tells her that they have a new angle and thinks that Shawn may be able to help…if they can find him. She tells him that she needs to go and Roman has things to do as well and leaves. But before she leaves, EJ calls asking if she has any info. She gets angry and tells him if he ever calls her again, she will kill him. Roman walks up and overhears this, but she covers and says it was the florist, and blames it on her hormones. She apologizes for freaking out but says she just wants everything perfect and it will be when EJ is behind bars. Roman assures her they are working several angles and they will find Shawn and Belle and they won’t stop until they get EJ. He says they hope to get a statement from Shawn, Sami asks what if that doesn’t help. He assures her that they are keeping an eye on EJ. He says he is sort of glad that Shawn and Belle are missing…at least that way they can’t end up like Lexie and Tek (excuse me, but aren’t THEY “missing” as well? are Shawn and Belle any better off?)

At Mythic…
Lucas goes to EJ’s office to fill him in on a special project. He lets EJ know that their wedding date has been moved up since Sami is pregnant (he says May…ah…just in time for sweeps, huh?), asking if EJ has a problem with that. Of course he does. He rattles on something about a child’s birthright and finally says he doesn’t have a problem. He can even clear Kate’s schedule so she can help with the wedding. But Lucas says no…she isn’t welcome. She walks in and says ‘thank God for that’. EJ leaves, telling them they need to talk it out. Lucas warns her not to do anything to get in the way of his marriage but she tells him that Sami is keeping secrets (again) and is going to ruin his life. She asks him what if it were Will and he were involved with a girl like Sami, what would Lucas do. He says he would butt out. But Kate is sure he would try to help…as she is doing. She asks him how many times Sami has broken his heart, but Lucas doesn’t want to hear it and says when it comes to Sami, Kate is just blind and now, she is OUT of his life. Kate says Lucas takes after her and out of all her children, he is the most stubborn. She lays a guilt trip on him about how she has sacrificed for him and how she loves him, and she knows he doesn’t doubt that. Now, has he ever doubted Sami’s love? He doesn’t answer, so she says eventually he will realizes that she loves him…and that will never change. She leaves and in the hall EJ walks up and hugs her, asking what he can do to help. She says there is nothing he can do and he says try him. She whines about Sami and Lucas getting married as he says he could just be the one to take Sami away permanently.

Kate and Sami trade places…as Sami arrives at Mythic and Kate goes to the cop shop. Sami is greeted by EJ and she tells him that the cops are going to catch him. She tells him that Roman and Bo are searching for Shawn and that he is going to give a statement that could incriminate him. But, she tells him for all they know, Shawn could be dead…and that would leave EJ in the clear, so he doesn’t need her anymore. He congratulates her on a job well done. Later, Sami is with Lucas as he is telling her about telling Kate off and she asks if he is okay about it and he assures her he is. They head off to an appointment with the minister. We see EJ on the phone with someone, telling them that he needs to know as soon as Bo and Hope have some information on Shawn. He says he should have killed him when he had the chance.

Back at the Cop Shop…
Kate is there now whining to Roman about the wedding, but Roman says he can’t give her any sympathy, and tells her she should stay out of it. But she is sure that Sami is going to make Lucas miserable. He says that Sami and Lucas have been in love most of their adult lives but Kate doesn’t want to hear it. He tells her to just leave them alone, you can’t stop fate. She says maybe she should just accept it…what does she know and laments the mess she has made of her own life. She fears that this time, Lucas may be finished with her. She cries as Roman holds her.

On the Island…
Belle wakes up worried about Claire’s injury and says it’s infected. She makes bandages, telling Claire she is so brave. Later, Claire is asleep as they hope she feels better when she wakes up. Belle points out that they don’t have much of her anti-rejection meds left and worries what will happen if something happens to Shawn and fears their luck will run out. He tries to assure her that they will be okay and that God is on their side. Later, she apologizes for freaking out earlier and says she feels closer to him now than ever. Claire wakes up as Belle goes to change her dressing. She notices that she is running a fever and sees red streaks on her arm, indicating blood poisoning. She cries they need a doctor now or she is going to die…as the previews show…

Shawn (to Belle): We might live…we may drown…but if we don’t try, we are going to lose her for sure…

Lucas (to Sami): This isn’t you being insecure…it’s about you feeling guilty…what have you done that you are so scared about?...

Billie (to EJ): I can’t help but wonder…if for some how…you are different…

Nick (to Chelsea): Hey…(Chelsea): Hey…(as they move in for a kiss)…

And the credits roll…

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